One of the things I intended to do shortly after we moved was put up a post with some pictures of our new place. I clearly never got around to doing that, and I will spare you from a detailed walk-through of every single room, but I thought I would put a couple up now since we got a lot of cleaning and organizing done this weekend.
I have a lot of favorite spots in our new home - spots that when they're neat and clean, just make me want to stop and look at them for a few minutes. One of those spots took a little while to develop, but once I finally got my collage of pictures hung above the couch, it was done. I have a really hard time picking one favorite room in our condo, but the living room is definitely up there. It was the first that I completely finished decorating...most of the other rooms still have some little thing here or there I always want to add. But this's just right. And forgive the poor lighting, for I'm not at all advanced in the art of picture-taking.
As far as this weekend went, I did a lot of work in our bedroom. It wasn't that bad, all told, but I haven't had anywhere to organize my shoes, so they've resided on the closet floor for the past 5 months, successfully driving me crazy. Why it took me so long to get shoe racks, I don't know, but that problem is now solved. And while I was cleaning out the closet, I finished organizing/decorating the bookshelves, hanging pictures, and getting everything just-so. The result is another room that I just want to stand in and look at.
So I guess it's not quite a "walk-through" of the place, but it's a little snapshot. It is intended to cause friends and family who have not yet visited want to come stay for a while. You know who you are.
You have, as always, inspired me to get on a few decorating projects around the house. Love your little space and hope to see it in person sometime soon!