Saturday, March 9, 2013

Happy Birthday Lindsay!

I have been friends with Lindsay for almost as long as I can remember. The vast majority of memories I have from my life are from a time that I was friends with Lindsay. Of course I remember a few things from my life before Lindsay...a few things from my life pre-7 years old...but compared to the rest of my life memories, that's not very many.

I think I was 7 when I met Lindsay? Maybe I was 8. She's always better at remembering who was what age and when. Maybe I was 8 and she was 7. She's just over 5 months younger than me. But anyway, I don't remember meeting her. I think she remembers meeting me, but I don't...I just remember always being friends. Which must mean we hit it off well enough from the start. It's like we were besties from day 1.

It seems like we pretty much did everything together, and I have TONS of memories of being at her house on Cat Island playing with her and her brother and sister. We did everything from climbing trees, to stalking alligators on the golf course, to playing "orphans," to singing karaoke, to having (horrid, horrid) photo shoots, and much much more. (We played orphans a LOT. And her sister Becca always got to have the name Charlotte, which I always wanted, but Becca always got it first. Still bitter.)

I think it's such a rare thing to have a friend who's been with you almost your entire remembered life. And not just one who you were friends with your entire childhood and lost once adulthood came, but one who you're still friends and don't ever plan on not being friends with. I don't know many people who have that, and I feel so lucky and fortunate and blessed that for whatever reason, I do.

So Lindsay, here's to our's to right now - your birthday...and here's to the future. And welcome to 24! Isn't it weird? It won't be for long. :)

I don't have many pictures this time because I put all my old pics on the external hard drive when I got my new laptop, but I did pilfer a couple from facebook.

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