Thursday, July 19, 2012

Moving to the Beat of the Moving Drum

To clarify, the moving [to Reston] drum. And that drum beats like this: beat  beat  beat beat beat beatbeatbeatBEATBEATBEAT.

We started with a yard sale last Saturday morning, and have been in nearly full swing since then. I say nearly, because now that I know what it really means to spend a night packing, I realize we could have gotten so much more done on the evenings earlier in the week when the sense of urgency had not yet hit. But now we're down to only one more day between us and the big move, and I'm trying to keep myself as unstressed as possible. I'm not always successful, but I try.

For instance, I've given up the packing for tonight, brewed some tension tamer tea, turned all the lights in the living room off except one lamp, said forget about updating the budget, and started blogging instead. All the best choices all the way around.

Even though it's been stressful at times, and even though it feels like working two full days in one every single day, I've really enjoyed working next to my man so much. We've spent evenings painting at the condo...evenings packing at the house...and we don't always talk the whole time, but we do when we want to, and we're just together, which is my favorite part of all.

I've been doing a terrible job of taking pictures of our process so far, but my goal is to take more in the coming days. For now, we've been seeing a lot of these two things: paint, and boxes. Even in my sleep. (And I was too tired to do any editing on these tonight, so bear with me.)

At least by my next update...we'll be moved in! I'm SO excited about setting up house in a new place, with some new furniture, new colors, and a new atmosphere. There is so much fun to be had!


  1. I'm trying to think of something positive to say about moving and this post sparked two thoughts:
    1 - you get rid of things you really didn't need anyway. 2 - you get to paint? that's exciting.
    Best wishes on the moving effort. I'm excited that this is the Kauffman abode I'll probably actually visit!

  2. Yes, getting to paint is extremely exciting, and I went by today to look at the finished product, and it looks GREAT. I'm thrilled. And I can't wait for you to come see!

  3. Well when Linds gets done visiting, can I come? :)


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