Saturday, August 11, 2012

Hello from Reston!

Well here we are! Reston is our new home, and it's finally starting to feel like it. It's taken these couple of weeks to get settled and make the mental adjustment of calling a new place home, but now I find myself looking forward to going home after work or feeling the comfort of home after a long day. For the first week I thought that would never come, but it crept up on me and one day I just realized that I had a home again.

We've been enjoying getting to know our new area and finding new fun things to do. We're right across the street from the Reston Town Center, which offers so many possibilities for date nights, girls' nights, and good times in general. Last weekend Erin and I walked over to meet Kara for a free outdoor concert they have every Saturday night during the summer. The Air Force jazz band (Airmen of Note) were playing, and we sat at an outdoor table of a restaurant to enjoy the tunes.

View from outside our condo entrance

Trying to get these two to move out here so we can be in the same town again!
In terms of getting settled in, we're just about there! There are still a few lingering boxes, several things that are yet to adorn the walls, and an extra project or two to complete (like painting our bathroom and cleaning off the patio), but we're making progress. My goal is to have the guest room and bathroom finished off in time for Samantha, my mother-in-law's arrival next weekend. (Very excited about that!)

Right now I have so many different posts in mind, so stay tuned! I have so much more time these days to do new things and come up with new ideas to share (thanks to my ONLY-5-minutes commute!), so expect to see more in coming days. -Including a mini-tour of our new home, snapshots of our 2nd Anniversary, and some goals I have for how to use the extra time in my day. :-)

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