Thursday, August 18, 2011

One of "Those" Days

It's been one of those days.

One of those days where you couldn't fall asleep til 2am the night before.

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One of those days where you forgot to put the water in the coffee pot, so when you go to get it in the morning...there is no coffee. And speaking of coffee, one of those days where your favorite coffee shop happens to be closed. No afternoon coffee perk for you.

Those days where you deal with some people (probably more than one), and just want to say "what are you thinking??" But you can't.

Where you just embrace anything and everything that seems to be wrong and try to laugh (ok, in scorn maybe, but at least it's laughter) to make it a little better.

One of those days where in a couple of hours, the love of my life will walk through the front door, wrap me up in his big arms, give me tender kisses, and put a happy smile on my tired face.

I think it's not such a bad day after all. :-)

(A steak dinner helps a lot too! mmm...)

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